please upload a complete game instead of an unfinished one
please upload a complete game instead of an unfinished one
I will use this same post to update the game, thanks for playing alpha!
is the game meant to be impossible to beat or is there a bug that doesn't let the coin behind the sign appear?
ok idk what I did different but it worked on my 6th try
yeah I went all around the sign, killed the sign, didn't kill the sign, talked the sewer guy first, didn't talk to him.
idk but it works now
The coin's behind the mysterious sign
the jump could allow for more than what feels like a 2 frame window to make the jump over the fire in lvl 3. it's incredibly precise.
if you're falling, you won't jump or don't seem to. I would think it's important that jumping is uninhibited if you're playing a game where jumping is on a timer.
if you move up to an edge and jump, there's a fairly large area where if you were sitting on the corner before the jump, you'll slip off or move forward in your jump just slightly. not sure which one it is.
this has potential, if you insist on the jumps being that hard in lvl 3 then so be it, but it's something to consider. just a slightly slower jump would work best I think. I still think it should be hard.
music is dece tho since it's so simple it's just pleasant instead grating.
oh yeah 1 more thing, since arrows are also used for moving, the up arrow should also take you thru doors. I when I say it should still be hard, I really do mean have the window be like, 1 frame more lenient. I feel like the way to do that is make the jump slower by that tiny amount if it's possible
hey, thanks for the review!. yeah i made this game with difficulty in mind. but maybe i've overdone it in level 3 haha. i'll see what i can do to make it less harder.
either the spikes or the square need to be smaller or both and the play area needs to be slightly bigger. very very slightly. you have almost no time to react to anything esp if you need to jump. often times you're screwed either way, unless you predict you need to speed up or jump, purely on luck. it's ok, but needed to be play tested first.
I will try fix that, thanks for review :)
clicking on the eggs is very buggy. but it's an ok game.
in a while i resolve this thank you :)
very simple but it's fun.
sometimes when a level restarts you hold the arrow key but don't move. Idk if it does anything but I hit the arrow key a couple times when it's at "get ready" and it works fine. either way, needs to be fixed.
music is grating tho, and I like having it bc I get a feel for how i'm doing as I'm playing so it's tough
ok I've aced this game now, I'll check up on it occasionally if anybody beats my scores to see what I can do to get them back. really happy with some levels, some can still be improved I think but it'll be tough.
--- 6/16/23
came back, i actually tied my level 1 time lol. i'm convinced it can be lower but it's gonna be tight
yep... not nearly as tight as i thought. 11.39 -> 11.27
lvl 5. 5.43 ->5.297
lvl 10. 13.11 -> 13.106.... which rounded to 13.11 ok there we go. 13.11 -> 13.01
there we GO. 13.01 -> 12.94
----- 6/17/23
lvl 4. 8.04 -> 8.06
lvl 3. 14.41 -> 14.31
i guess my lvl 5 was pretty bad... 15.10 -> 14.94
total down from 100.72 (i think) to 100.17 is sub 100 possible? doubtful but i'l try...
100.01... .02 from sub 100 seconds total.
just got a 14.20 on lvl 3 but it didn't update for some reason. so 99.90
ok. 14.09 lvl 3.
99.79 total
lvl 9 16.04 -> 16.04 99.78 total. sub 15 possible for this lvl
15.84 now. 99.58 total now. holy moly
lvl 1 11.27 -> 11.19 and i messed up at the end. this can go down.
----- 6/21/23
so i think lvl 2 is maxed out. i've gotten 6.4447 MANY times and 6.428 a handful of times as well. no clue what i need to do to get it lower or what i'm doing differently from my 6.39 time.
i wish i recorded all of these bc it's really insane.
managed to tie it... no clue how but i give up for now.
lvl 3 14.09 -> 14.0551 cool
14.0551 -> 13.9436 better
13.9463 -> 13.8553 that's gotta be it
lvl 5 14.94 -> 14.77 crazy run
MO$H got 11.1451 (round to 11.14 bc we're human) after some pointers from me. faster learner. will be back. on stream on video too, something i deeply regret not doing with my runs before. that will change.
we're back. 11.19 -> 11.123 crazy, on video. sub 11 might be possible with deadly perfect ladder. but this will be hard to crack... i hope..
sub 11 on lvl 1 finally, 10.955 in game (which i go by now since i record these runs)
after mosh crushing opposite day, i had to show him this and he started beating some times, i knew my lvl 3 time was trash, forgot to update here but i have it recorded too, he killed me then i killed him back.
plan to do a showcase of each level... which means i have to play each lvl again and get good runs... damn...
also a couple weeks ago, mosh got a recorded 6.333 on lvl 2 but it didn't update on the board. beat that too lol
sub 8 on lvl 4 7.997
might be able to get it lower to show the 7 since the board rounds up.
we'll see
so i got lvl 7 4.798 but recorded it at 30fps instead of 60
got pissed, said it would take forever to get that again
literally the next run after making sure my recording was at 60..
4.700, blessing i guess.
next is lvl 9. trying to get even close to that 15.8x is proving hard, gotten a few with 15.884 being the closest but damn idk how i did that within 2 weeks of this game coming out last time. the grind continues...
after many 15.9x, .8x i did finally tie my old pb. was able to watch it and see where i could improve, got a 15.82 watched that, saw improvements, very tight jumps all around.
then jumped to 15.635.
that's the run, it can go down a few hundredths but yeah, that's it.
after just a couple runs of each level
lvl 4 got sub 8 on the leaderboard. 7.949. to beat it by that much is awesome. i thought 7.994 was peak for how little i was improving the time. then boom.
lvl 6 beat mosh finally and got 6.117
silly level, the platforms move faster on this laptop compared to my old one. not sure why this is, but it allows for a faster run so we take those i guess.
the only thing left i guess i lvl 8 where i could try to get 4.25 or lower. but i don't really know what i did to get that, i can't get close. the faster platforms can't really be utilized here reliably since they're just chaotic. pure grind hell if i want to do something here.. maybe...
lvl 8 being pure luck was no joke. keep trying things until you get something that works.
game is dead, i am the momentum master. haha
upon review, my level 5 time can be significantly improved. after some attempts, i dropped it by 0.03
but comparisons of what i missed vs my 14.65 show at least a 0.3 - 0.4s improvement.
damn it.
woke up
first completed run 14.350
and it still had at least a 0.10s mistake.
much better.
Well yeah, but that's not a problem with the game, it's a problem with the keyboard. R to restart anyways. Have fun
also, the "get ready" part is on purpose.
oh, and keep speedrunning.
you do like 1 damage and I'm not doing the same pattern 20 times to kill 1 slime.
yeah that was pretty ridiculous. fixed now.
how is anybody supposed to figure this out
There is a pattern, but maybe it's too esoteric.
can't shoot. it would make sense if you had limited ammo and could occasionally pick up mags along the way.
Thanks for the feeedback. I will add that next update
the best flick club player.
read my thoughts on the voting system in my post "Voting vs Quality" it's a bit rough but I think it says what I want to say. lets talk about it.
real ones have square frames.
pfp by Dall-e online
Age 30
Joined on 10/3/09