the platforming is exceedingly precise for a game that isn't trying to be hard. grabbing coins is annoying as the hitbox is roughly 1/2 the size of the sprite. there needs to be a way to drop crates instead of throwing them, esp if you can't kill enemies with them. all i'm trying to do is set the thing on a switch. it would also be good if you put a sound effect on the switch activating. you can sort of tell visually but it's not satisfying or communicated well since you have to move to where the blocks they control are to know.
on the first stage you have to jump off a tiny platform and time the throw perfectly. if you miss the throw you have to try again and if you miss the jump you have to climb back up. it's very easy to lose track of what stage you're on, a sign would be good or different music or backgrounds or enemies or something to differentiate them.
the music is nice, esp if you wrote it.