When I started playing this, I thought "O another horror point 'n' click, blah blah blah." NO. After i got the big key and left the house, I was intrigued by the sudden extent. when I got in to the room with the with the maniquin, I was shocked but calm untill the random clown appeared, FREAKY AS SHIT! The end actually tied up all of the loose ends like the shaking door and the randomly dirty baby room and the crying baby and THAT FREAKING CLOWN THING. But in the end, what would you do to survive if you knew better? What is the fire burning to keep the human insanity alive?? According to this, it's the Hmmm... (NO Spoilers) How do people cope with realization to murder depending on the sitiuation? Hmmm...is all that mattered to our character. What drives us to invent things to help kill other people mindlessly?
When we figure out that, who knows?