doesn't load right, I don't really get what's happening but it needs to be fixed
doesn't load right, I don't really get what's happening but it needs to be fixed
yeah this is impossible, you are stunned on your pencil length sword attack. when you do get to the enemies, they all shoot at you at the same time. you have to be directly next to one to kill it but by that time you're dead bc you keep getting hit since you can't move.
this is a start, but you have a long way to go. main things are you should be able to move while attacking and it should be a lot longer. maybe space out the enemies so you have a chance or make them melee or make a parry move that blocks or reflects attacks or something.
best of luck finishing this
your character should stay in the middle of the screen instead of running up to the edge of it
every time i send a clone out, i warp back to the white box, there seems to be no reason for this to happen so it's extremely annoying. the walls take forever to climb up doing it this way, and since they're so tall, even if I didn't get warped back every time, it feels like it would still take forever to do
I can tell you put some effort into this, but I really don't get it.
ok ill get the camera screen thing fixed
and i know the core mechanic of warping back is tedious and not really good for a game but i had the idea then i made a prototype and didnt really wanna scrap it :p
way too laggy but it does run
needs to be fixed, it has the the title screen but I can't click on anything or make anything happen. right click gives "save image as" as an option if that helps
thanks for your time, i'll fix it :D
controls are extremely confusing and I can't figure them out or they don't do the same things every time despite seemingly having the same settings
strange game
you can use the harpoon to move a bit faster... sometimes
usually it doesn't speed you up so you can dodge anything, you kinda need to get lucky for that to happen.
looks good, but the arrow keys cause the browser to scroll up and down. easily remedied by going full screen, but it's something you should look into anyway.
it's very easy, you can destroy enemy projectiles instead of having to dodge them. since there's no limit on how fast you can shoot, the boss is trivial. most enemies are trivial too, but you'll get more creative with time. music is inoffensive (love me some MMBN music) and at a good volume, but it sounds a bit out of place.
best of luck on your next project. did you do all of the artwork your self?
this game was created by my friends pleasure palace in which the game is based off me, the music artist. this was their first time ever going into creating a videogame so it was def a learning experience for them. we'll be back with a bigger and better game for sure!! thank you
rotating the box could be a little faster
the best flick club player.
read my thoughts on the voting system in my post "Voting vs Quality" it's a bit rough but I think it says what I want to say. lets talk about it.
real ones have square frames.
pfp by Dall-e online
Age 30
Joined on 10/3/09