It's so much easier to blam garbage off now than it was when I was first grinding levels in '10-13. The amount of garbage being submitted has also increased so that's something. So many shitty dressup, spot the difference & whatnot games were being spammed and put through likely by bots or something back then. Now we have people uploading 2 second test loops of 1 image for blam farming. On the plus side, since there's a lot more coming in, there's a lot more good stuff submitted too.
Put it this way, takes 401 days to get to lvl 20, in about 380 days (roughly where I was at), I got 99 blams. I come back and in a week I'm almost up to 200. Insane
>blam farming
in all my years idk how I have never considered this level of galaxy brain stat whoring until I read this phrase here from you lol
it's actually so funny you say "stat whoring"
back in 09 my bio used to end with "well don't mind me, I'll just be statwhoring on the corner" and let me tell you... the streets were rough back then, as you may have gleamed from my assessment of the state of the portal in that time.
I only changed it when I came back in june last year.
is that a term that people still use here? or is it used in other things like runescape? (never played)